Custom Time Tracking App

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Project Overview

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Project Name
Time Entries
Custom Software Development
Internal Application


Custom time tracking and financial reporting app

After going back and forth with different tools it became apparent that we know exactly what we need and we can build it exactly for our needs. We decided to build our own solution as a custom software development project.

The product was created over a longer period of time, divided into blocks reflecting our most pressing needs at the time. Exactly as we’d do with any outside project – build what’s most beneficial at the time. We started with time tracking, then added invoices and basic financial reporting. Over time we enhanced and refined the solution, and it seems that we will continue to do so in the nearest future.

The main thing that we have in mind is that this is not meant to be a full accounting & HR suite that can replace such services done by professionals. This is to give owners and managers of small business immediate and 95% accurate insight into all elements of the business.

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Value added

Well managed finances of the company

  • We are perceived as super organized and well managed when we can provide financial state of the budget at any time
  • We are managing our finances and are sure we’re not overextending ourselves at any time
  • We limited unpaid invoices by 80% and lowered average payment time from 4months to 1month in 90% of problematic cases.
  • We are always fully informed about teams vacation and how many days people still have available.
  • Using this software allowed us to grow from 4 people team to 16 and it keeps us growing.

Note: design is based on a free Sketch dashboard template by Carlos Han and calendar template by Serhiy Torba

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